Autoexec.cfg Builder


Welcome to Nick Oman's autoexec.cfg builder for Dota 2. Either choose from one of the presets, use it as a starting point and customize from there, or build one from scratch. If you are confused as to what a certain option is for, check the description underneath, or you can google it if you need even more detail.

This is being actively developed, and if you have any suggestions you can fork me on github, message me on reddit or send me an email.

What is an autoexec.cfg?

autoexec.cfg is a config file that allows you to save certain presets that you might find useful inside of Dota 2. Some more popular ones, for example, include the ability to bind a key to certain camera positons, or change the size of hero pointers on the minimap. There are a lot of options, so try different configurations and see what works best for you.

How do I use it?

In order to use your newly made autoexec.cfg file, you must first save it as a config file. To do so, copy the text outputted below into notepad, sublime text, or another simple plaintext editor. Save it as a .cfg file, and you should be good to go. If you're still having trouble, you can try following the instructions here. You must then put it in the \Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg folder. If you can't find it, google around, there's plenty of help on forums and such.

This editor is missing things I want!

This isn't meant to be a catchall creator for every option possible with autoexec.cfg's. It's meant to be a good starting point for people who want very basic settings or a framework to build off of. There's plenty of awesome stuff you can do, check out reddit, teamliquid, or some of the many dota forums for more information. The possibilities are endless, so if you really want to get a personal cfg, just do some research and write one yourself.

What's New

0.0.0 Actually making the thing. For more see the entire changelog



// Enables console

// When spell is selected, range finder is shown

// Screen will no longer shake when certain are cast what if this is too long

// Enables doubletapping to selfcast

// Always show player names

// Show information window upon death

// Enables the ability to use right-click to deny allied units


Chat Channels

// Chat channels you want to join by default


Minimap Hero Size

// Changes the size of heroes on the minimap (Default: 600)

Flying Unit Height

// Changes height of flying units (Default: 150)

HP per Vertical Unit Marker

// Amount of HP per vertical segment in lifebar (Default: 250)


To bind any key to any function, simply add bind "yourkey" before any function, for example this: bind "F10" "dota_killcam_show "1" causes the F10 key to enable the killcam.

your autoexec.cfg